Advanced Diagnostics ADC260/ADS2298 Mercedes Kit Includes 2 POD-BENZ-4B1 Keys (ITT0465XXXX)

Advanced Diagnostics ADC260/ADS2298 Mercedes Kit Includes 2 POD-BENZ-4B1 Keys (ITT0465XXXX)


  • $1,041.68
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Product Details: 

This is a kit of a Smart Programmer ADC260, an associated cable kit ADC2600, the Mercedes Software ADS2298 and 2 Ilco Look-alike Mercedes keys POD-BENZ-4B1.

A maximum of 8 keys can be programmed without deleting existing keys to add new ones. Password is calculated in the background with the Smart Pro. POD-BENZ-4B1 Ilco keys are required for this software.

Use to readily program slot keys compatible with Mercedes models from 1996 to 2014. 

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