Lonsdor KH100+ Key Programmer
SKU: P736-KH100-LON
Product Details:
The KH100+ is a versatile handheld tool that functions to generate chips, remotes, detect frequencies and specializes in unlocking Toyota smart keys.
- Clone chipped/IC/access cards, useful for duplicating garage keys.
- Identify, copy or generate various chips from different makes. Specializes in Toyota 8A(H) chips
- Simulate chips from 4D, 46, 47 and 48 types by placing the KH100+'s antennas up to the ignition switch.
- Generate remotes with a special connection
- Identify coils and IMMO systems by placing the antenna to the ignition.
- Read key frequencies and detect infrared signals.
When used with Lonsdor keys, special functions are available such as identifying key version info, modifying values, and unlocking.
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