ABRITES SB003 - Subaru Key Programming By RH850 Dump And ESL Reset
SKU: P814-SB003-ABR
The SB003 license allows key programming for Subaru vehicles with faulty ESL modules in All Keys Lost situations. The process is to obtain info from the Smart system to replace the ESL with a new or used one and program a key to the vehicle.
- Smart system data flash programming keys
- Reset and synchronize used or second-hand ESL modules
- Supported vehicles include keyless Subaru models 2020+
ZN085 Abrites RH850/V850 Programmer and CB501 Cable is required for reading data. TA68 DTS-AES transponder emulator is used for ESL and System sync. ZN003 Protag V2 programmer is used to make new keys.
AVDI and an active AMS subscription are required.
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